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Is it time for you to see how this hot summer has affected the worm population inside your horse?

Whilst lots of us welcome the glorious sunny weather some of us have struggled with our pasture. After a hard winter the spring grass started coming through until the sun began beating down and the rain stopped.

Horses, donkeys and foals, some of whom have never had positive readings, are now coming back with high results.  This could be due to grazing much closer to the soil than normal and therefore eating more worm eggs and larvae from the pasture.

August Special Offer

Test your broodmare and get their foal sample


Foals will start to show ascarid readings from 3 months of age and strongyle activity will be high now so it is time to start testing if you haven’t already.

To qualify for the free sample
  1. Like ScientifEQ facebook page and upload a photo of your mare and foal, with the mares name.  If your facebook name is different to the name you will use to purchase the faecal egg counts please add your surname.   Share Photo.*

  2. Purchase 2 faecal egg counts or call 01267 223322

  3. Enter “foal2018” as the promo code, to get one FOC and input “mares name” in Add a Note.

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